Post by Juggers on Nov 1, 2006 7:51:44 GMT -5
Cain had abandoned the truck and its nervous inhabitants once it became clear that they were not going to travel further than some pokey little village out in the middle of nowhere. The middle of nowhere was not where the Juggernaut wanted to be. He had spent the last month being nowhere and it was about time he was somewhere.
It had come as a welcome surprise then when a battered, old, but functioning bus had rumbled down what passed for a main street and paused at the village square to collect some disreputable looking folks who piled into the the rear of the vehicle.
The even shiftier looking man on the door thought about stopping Cain from getting on. The Juggernaut could see the uncertainty in his eyes.
This was clearly some sort of private ride, one that big, bald, white men were not welcome on.
Cain was used to not being welcome though and never allowed it to break his stride. A menacing grin had convinced shifty to stand aside. The little guy probably thought his mob of friends would take care of the unwelcome guest.
To their credit, none of them tried to for almost half the bumpy journey, though the Juggernaut could hear them muttering in unfriendly tones behind him.
Finally, the elected spokesman of the party had come forward with a sneer on his face and told the big man in heavily accented and broken English -
"You not wanted here, get out or we make you."
Cain had stared at the man with one eyebrow raised, mentally congratulating the man for his courage.
Then he simply replied, "no."
"YOU NOT ... " the man had started to repeat himself and at greater volume.
Cain grabbed him around the neck before he could finish choking off the remaining words. Then he pulled him very close so that their noses were almost touching.
"Fuck off," he said quietly, "I ain't exactly 'avin' the time of my life right now and you an your mates ain't 'elpin'." He released the smaller man and shoved him backward into a seat.
"So do yourself a favour and fuck. Off."
The smaller man had, unfortunately for him, decided not to fuck off and instead pulled a long-bladed combat knife from within his shirt and thrust it at the Juggernaut.
It had not had the desired effect. The knife bounced off the flesh of Cain's chest, skated along his ribs and then slid under his arm where it ended its journey impaled in the crumbling sponge of the seat.
Then Cain broke the man's arm.
Then he threw him out the window.
One look in the mirror was enough to convince the driver that stopping the bus would not be in his best interests. The rest of the group lurking in the back were likewise convinced that further interference with their unwanted guest would end very badly indeed.
Two hours later the bus rolled into the outskirts of the Mogadishu city limits.
The Juggernaut had officially found Somewhere.
It had come as a welcome surprise then when a battered, old, but functioning bus had rumbled down what passed for a main street and paused at the village square to collect some disreputable looking folks who piled into the the rear of the vehicle.
The even shiftier looking man on the door thought about stopping Cain from getting on. The Juggernaut could see the uncertainty in his eyes.
This was clearly some sort of private ride, one that big, bald, white men were not welcome on.
Cain was used to not being welcome though and never allowed it to break his stride. A menacing grin had convinced shifty to stand aside. The little guy probably thought his mob of friends would take care of the unwelcome guest.
To their credit, none of them tried to for almost half the bumpy journey, though the Juggernaut could hear them muttering in unfriendly tones behind him.
Finally, the elected spokesman of the party had come forward with a sneer on his face and told the big man in heavily accented and broken English -
"You not wanted here, get out or we make you."
Cain had stared at the man with one eyebrow raised, mentally congratulating the man for his courage.
Then he simply replied, "no."
"YOU NOT ... " the man had started to repeat himself and at greater volume.
Cain grabbed him around the neck before he could finish choking off the remaining words. Then he pulled him very close so that their noses were almost touching.
"Fuck off," he said quietly, "I ain't exactly 'avin' the time of my life right now and you an your mates ain't 'elpin'." He released the smaller man and shoved him backward into a seat.
"So do yourself a favour and fuck. Off."
The smaller man had, unfortunately for him, decided not to fuck off and instead pulled a long-bladed combat knife from within his shirt and thrust it at the Juggernaut.
It had not had the desired effect. The knife bounced off the flesh of Cain's chest, skated along his ribs and then slid under his arm where it ended its journey impaled in the crumbling sponge of the seat.
Then Cain broke the man's arm.
Then he threw him out the window.
One look in the mirror was enough to convince the driver that stopping the bus would not be in his best interests. The rest of the group lurking in the back were likewise convinced that further interference with their unwanted guest would end very badly indeed.
Two hours later the bus rolled into the outskirts of the Mogadishu city limits.
The Juggernaut had officially found Somewhere.